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PowerPro 2024

We’re proud to announce the release of PowerPro Version 2024.

Version 2024 combines refinements, performance improvements, stronger integrations and common user requests.

Please read on for details on PowerPro 2024.


Improved login interface 

A progress bar provides a responsive user interface during the login process:

Faster loading and a more relevant background chart

The new background top chart lists the number of enrolments per month during the last 12 months. This chart loads quicker, and its data is more relevant than the 2023 chart:

Improved layout, look and feel

PowerPro 2024 ships with a modern skin and a redesigned layout. The result is a more ergonomic user interface which we believe will be welcomed by most users.

Legacy skins are still included in PowerPro 2024 should users prefer to use these instead.

TGA Unit list integration

In the past PowerPro installations imported units of competency from a data file sourced from (TGA).

PowerPro 2024 connects directly to TGA allowing users to import the latest units released:




 Improved Compliance

To comply with a ASQA common requests PowerPro 2024 includes three new Reports. These are found in Reports>Compliance Reports:



ASQA - Declaration of Compliance report

This report provides the RTO with an accurate figure for the “What was the total number of VET student enrolments in the YYYY calendar year?”  ASQA - Declaration of Compliance question. This figure is calculated using very specific criteria which was clarified in detail by the regulator. More information can be found here.



ASQA – Delivery Activity Data Summary – Table A

This report generates the Table A data for the RTO re-registration spreadsheet. It infers on each active Qualification Rule listing the number of current enrolments, the number of AQF Qualifications issued in the specified period (typically the last 12 months), the principal funding source, the main delivery locations, and the principal delivery mode:



ASQA – Delivery Activity Data Summary – Table B

This report generates the Table B data for the RTO re-registration spreadsheet. It infers on each active Unit of Competency listing the number of current enrolments, the number of AQF Statements of Attainment issued in the specified period (typically the last 12 months), the principal funding source, the main delivery locations, and the principal delivery mode:


Web Plugin improvements 

The Web Plugin 2024 was released late January 2024. It packs many improvements:

·         Single XML enrolment file per enrolment
·         Replaced legacy PayPal payment integration with latest PayPal API
·         Improved all other payment gateway integrations
·         Added support for the BPoint payment gateway
·         Support for Full Discount Enrolment codes (more information further in this document)
·         Improved the RTO Enrolment notification email detailing the Payment Status
·         Improved accidental Enrolment Form re-submissions reported by some RTOs
·         Option to request email confirmation on the individual enrolment form
·         Returning Students’ Postal address is updated with the address supplied in the enrolment

For more information on the Web Plugin 2024 please refer to this Blog post.


Faster Web Course sync operation

The Web>Sync Web Course List has been reviewed. Huge performance gains were recorded during testing, particularly on large datasets. RTOs publishing large number of Courses will welcome this improvement.

Support for full discount enrolment codes

This has been a common request since the introduction of enrolment discount codes. Students using the full discount code will not be prompted for payment:



 The enrolment form informs the user about the full discount applied:


If the “Generate Invoice data for Full Discount Enrolments” option (in Configuration>Application Options>Web) is checked then the system creates a $0.00 balanced invoice showing the Course fee and the discount applied:

This option is not checked by default which means any Full Discount Enrolments will not generate an Invoice.


Improvements to the Enrolments view

New fields in the participant list

The 2024 Enrolments view includes two new fields: the Client Title and a visual clue on the eLearning provisioning status (LMS field/column). The latter indicates whether the enrolment has been sent to the eLearning platform (if applicable):



The Client Title can be removed from the above view should it not be relevant. To remove it deselect the Configuration>Application Options>Enrolment>Show Client Title in Enrolment option:



New Enrolment Type field

Another Enrolment field introduced in 2024 is the Enrolment Type. This field indicates the origin of the Enrolment: “Web Enrolment” or “Manual Enrolment”. Web Enrolments have the options to view the Enrolment data file and to print the Web Enrolment Form report:



Improved layout and geometry

The layout of the enrolment fields - and throughout PowerPro – has been modified using a consistent approach. Below are a couple of examples of the new layout:




New “Course Progress Matrix” Report

A common request from our client RTOs is to generate a matrix layout report showing Student progress across all units in the course. PowerPro 2024 delivers this report. It can be launched from the Enrolments area:

Or from the Reports>Course Reports>Course Progress Matrix menu:



The actual report looks like this:



AQF Parchment PDF locking

When generating AQF parchments PowerPro 2024 locks the PDF document preventing the malicious intent of editing these documents with a PDF editor:

While this is one obvious step towards securing the authenticity of AQF parchments issued in PowerPro, RTOs should be aware there are other means to manipulate PDF (as well as printed) documents to generate fraudulent documents. To mitigate this issue we recommend using a Document Validation System such as PowerQR.


Unit Assessment Criteria (UAC)

The concept of Unit Assessment Criteria relates to the Unit of Competency Performance Criteria as described in the Training Package. The latter identifies what the student needs to do to achieve the outcome.


Enabling the UAC subsystem

The UAC subsystem is disabled by default. To enable it use Configuration>Application Options >Assessment Criteria>Enable Unit Assessment Criteria Subsystem:


Setting up UAC for a Unit of Competency

Consisting of a set of objective and unambiguous statements about the student performance, the Unit Assessment Criteria should map to the Training Package Unit Performance Criteria. Here is an example:

Unit of Competency: BSBTEC203 - Research using the internet


Unit Assessment Criteria (example)

1.       Email task requirements to Trainer and to the task group

2.       Use the relevant sources for research information

3.       Use relevant search terms and search engine to locate the researched information            

4.       Document information found and its relevance

5.       Compile information sources and other references used

6.       Email Trainer and task group with research findings


The Unit Assessment Criteria is set in Configuration>Unit of Competency. Use the Actions menu to create the UAC for the Unit:


Resulting by UAC

In Enrolments>Outcomes & Dates, use the following toggle button:


To access the new Assessment Criteria view:


Using the Assessment Criteria view users can track client progress within the Unit. To update the “Achieved” checkbox field the Enrolment record must be in edit mode (Edit Enrolment button).


Unit Competency once all Criteria is achieved

Providing the relevant option in Application Options>Assessment Criteria is checked, once all Criteria are achieved for the Unit the latter is marked as “Competent” with the date when the last Criteria was achieved.



Invoice and Payment locking after Account Ledger Integration

PowerPro 2024 automatically locks invoices and payments once these data sets have been exported to the Accounts Ledger. This is to prevent data inconsistencies across the two systems. Should the RTO need to modify a locked in voice or payment it is recommended doing it on the Accounts Ledger system.

PowerPro 2024 will lock exported Invoices and Payments by default. Should the RTO prefer to leave invoice unlocked after their Account Ledger integration the following Application Options>Invoicing option should not be checked:


PowerQR improvements  

 More control

PowerPro 2024 allows the RTO to specify which AQF document types should be uploaded to the PowerQR platform:




Other improvements

The following is a list of smaller improvements that are part of PowerPro 2024:

  • Training Plans - option to attach document copy when printing
  • Training Plans - new attendance to date (ATT_TO_DATE) merge field
  • Clone Sessions - allows cloning sessions for the same day (space by 0 days) 
  • Trainer Scheduler - prefix caption with Trainer initials (e.g. "John S.")
  • User Role Actions - split "Enrol Clients in a Course" into "Enrol Clients in a Course" and "Transfer Clients between Courses"
  • Qualification Rule - new CRICOS code fields
  • Latest list of Australia Post Postcode data for AVETMISS validation

Updating to PowerPro 2024

 For information on how to update to PowerPRo 2024 please refer to this article.

The 2024 pipeline


Apart from ongoing improvements to PowerPro RTO as required the following are the most significant developments planned for the year:


  • Enrolment Tags subsystem. Like the existing Client Tags, Enrolment tags however are linked to the Enrolment instead of being associated to the Client
  • Extend the TGA integration enabling the download of Qualifications and their Core Units 
  • PowerPro Sky API – Development of an API allowing third party developers to consume and push PowerPro data 

Training workshops

During 2024 we plan to deliver two hands-on public workshops: one in Perth around July and another in Brisbane after that. Please refer to the Courses section on the PowerPro RTO web site for more information.




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