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PowerPro 2023

Power Pro release 2023

PowerPro 2023 took longer than usual to be released. Anyway, we are pleased to announce its availability here along with a quick tour on the new capabilities.

So, what’s new in PowerPro 2023?

This release includes new functionality as well as enhancements to the user interface. Here is a quick read summary:
  • Email communication with PowerPro users with option to opt out
  • Improved alert/message shown upon user login
  • Integration with MyOB using MyOB API (optional module)
  • Multiple Web Plugin enhancements
  • RAPT reporting and invoicing improvements
  • New Company invoicing fields
  • New function to set Units as Superseded based on TGA data
  • PowerQR: scrapped renewal fees and improved top-up options
  • Improved Trainer Scheduler layout and usability
  • Other small improvements


How do I update to PowePro 2023?

To update to PowerPro 2023, ensure you are logged in as RTOADM, execute Update>2023 as follows:

And follow the prompts to complete the update.


Now let's dive deeper into the 2023 changes.


Communication with PowerPro users

We're closer to you in 2023.
Users will be prompted to fill the user contact form once a year. Should the user contact details change, the form can be accessed anytime using the Configuration>My Contact Details menu option:
This information is important as it enables us to reach PowerPro users should there be any relevant information to share with end users.
Note that users can opt-out any time by ticking the "I would rather not provide my contact details at this stage" option. This is equivalent to the "Unsubscribe" option found in Email subscriptions. It informs us that a particular user does not want to be contacted.

Improved alert/message shown upon user login

2023 introduces a notification area where, if applicable, relevant information is shown to the user at login. The message is displayed for seven seconds and then, unless the user pins it, it fades away. This can be extremely useful to remind users on reporting due dates, notify system outages, etc. Below is an example of such alert showing at user login:
Clicking on the hand icon underneath the message will prevent that message from showing again.

MyOB Integration module

A commonly requested and much waited for feature is the integration of PowerPro with MyOB. This module allows exporting PowerPro Companies and Clients to MyOB as (MyOB) Cards; Company and Client Invoices as MyOB Sales; Invoice Payments as MyOB Receipts. This is done from within PowerPro using the MyOB API:

The MyOB Integration module is available to all PowerPro products as an add-on. The fee for this module is listed on the Price Calculator page.
The PowerPro-MyOB integration guide can be accessed from the Help>User Guides menu in PowerPro 2023.

Multiple Web Plugin enhancements

The most relevant change in 2023 is the ability to prompt the student with different questions depending on the Course they are enrolling in. This was not possible so far since the MyFields field structure was a system-wide setting. The 2023 update introduces the concept of "Web Forms". A Web Form is a data structure where MyFields can be labelled/mapped for a specific course type. Additionally, a Web Form allows for specific information to be included in the Confirmation email sent to the student upon enrolment:

To ensure data integrity the Web Form fields have a specific data type. These can be:

The "List of Values" data type allows the RTO to define the possible answers for a question:

Note the option to make the field Required/Mandatory.

Assigning a Web Form to a Course

Once the Web Form exists, it is available to choose from in each Course>Web tab as a new field:

Ideally the Master Course is linked to the relevant Web Form and cloned Courses will inherit the link to the correct Web Form. However, real life is often different, and you may find some Courses are already scheduled ahead and changing the Master Course will not affect those, unfortunately. This means one would have to edit the scheduled Courses one by one to assign them the correct Web Form - tedious job! That's when the "Link Courses" tool comes in handy (Top right corner menu in Configuration>Web Forms):


How the Enrolment form renders the Web Form custom fields

The Web Form custom fields are displayed on the last step of the Enrolment form ("Finalise"):


Enrolment>MyFields are "Web Form aware"

Should the Course be linked to a Web Form, the Enrolment>My Fields will show the Web Form specific fields:


Enrolment form Invoice type option

2023 introduces the Invoice type option:

This will direct PowerPro to create a Student Invoice or a Company Invoice based on Student choice on enrolment.

Enrolment form additional email address option

An additional CC Email address is captured at enrolment.

This optional field is visible in the PowerPro Enrolment area:
And comes in handy when emailing the Student from PowerPro:

Learner Feedback email improvements

You may recall receiving a notification email for each Learner Feedback submission. In 2023 this has been improved: a notification email is only sent to the RTO if any written feedback is provided (either Best Aspects or Need improvement).
The content and the layout of the notification email has also been improved:

RAPT Improvements

The RAPT area also received some attention in this update. The most relevant improvements are:

Ability to set Unit Resource Fees in bulk

This is done from the Accredited Courses window:
Note: Setting the Unit Resource Fees this way does not affect Unit Resource Fees for currently enrolled Clients. It applies to future enrolments in the Course only. Best practice is to set the Unit Resource Fees in the Master Course.


Improved Set Rapt Fees from Unit Price List function

This is the recommended way to set the RAPT Unit Course fees for each RAPT enrolment. Ensure the Price list hourly fee is configured (Configuration>Price List>Unit Fees per hour) and enter the LSLF Cap against the enrolment if applicable (image below):

When updating the Unit Fees using this function, the new Use Local Skills Local Fees CAP option will calculate the capping for you. It also shows the Units grouped by calendar year (Start Date) and the Total Course Fees for each calendar year:

More fields and warnings in the Enrolment>RAPT view

Unit fields such as Funding Removed flag ("FR" column, see image below) and Total invoiced are now part of the Enrolments>Outcomes>RAPT View. Notice this view also highlights inconsistencies between the Unit fees and the value invoiced:

The above image depicts the following:
  • A Unit flagged as Funding Removed (FR Column)
  • 11 commenced Units with no Course fees (PowerPro highlights these in red)
  • 1 Unit with Course fees but not invoiced (PowerPro highlights these in orange)
  • 1 Unit with a Total value invoiced not matching the Course fees (PowerPro highlights these in yellow)
We trust these enhancements will assist RTOs setting Unit fees and detecting any inconsistencies before lodging their RAPT report in TAMS.

New Company Invoicing fields

Invoice Terms 

The new Company>"Invoice Terms" field allows for better Company profiling. If set, this field is used to calculate the Due Date for new Company Invoices:

If the Invoice Terms are not set (value of 0), the Invoice Due Date is calculated using the terms configured in Application Options Invoicing (typically 30 days).

Accounts payable E-mail address 

The new Company>"Accounts E-mail" field complements the existing Company field set:  

"Set Superseded Units" action

As of PowerPro 2023 users can use the following menu action to automatically mark any superseded Units of competency as such:

You will notice that this action also populates the new "Date Superseded" field:
This process uses the All Units.txt data file that ships with each PowerPro Build. In essence, it's the same data file used for importing Units into the system. Here is another good reason to keep your PowerPro RTO build up to date - we release about ten builds per year.

PowerQR turns 1: renewal fees scrapped and top-up options improved

The PowerQR fee structure has been reviewed. We're happy to inform the PowerQR subscription fees is a one-off payment. In other words, no PowerQR renewal fees apply! All you need to do is top-up the QR credits if these get low.

More information on PowerQR Parchment Validator can be found here.


Trainer Scheduler improvements

The Trainer Scheduler interface has also been the focus of improvements:
The new Trainer Scheduler includes:
  • a more ergonomic layout (some options were moved to the new "Options" menu)
  • 2023 Public Holidays for all States and Territories
  • a new "Agenda" view
  • a better Event Popup layout
  • a more intuitive search/filter bar
  • better Outlook export data export
  • improved look and feel all around

New System Overview page in the Dashboard

The new System Overview Dashboard page shows a list of Training figures/indicators. The "Camera" looking button can be used to take a screenshot of the figures:

Mouse-hover each indicator label to see additional information about it:
These indicators are likely to be extended with upcoming builds. There is also provision for the development of a custom indicator (specific to the RTO).

Other small improvements

The following is a list of smaller improvements you will probably notice in PowerPro 2023:
  • Enrolments>Email Clients uses the Enrolment Form additional email address for CC
  • Clone Course: new option to clone Course Documents
  • Merge Clients: improvement for cases when the double up occurs within the same course
  • Skills Victoria reporting: Enrolment>Student Status changes upon unit commencement
  • Training Plans: Unit sorting field (set it on the Accredited Courses window)
  • Units of Competency custom fields (set field labels in Configuration>Application Options)
  • Client window AVETMISS tab layout tidy up
  • Track which template was used on merged document attachments
  • Build list only shows when there is a newer build to install

Periscope - What else to expect during 2023

  • Two-day hands-on PowerPro Workshops in Perth, Brisbane and Sydney
  • Integration with Catapult LMS
  • Possible integration of the Enrolment form with other Payment Gateways
  • Ongoing improvements to PowerPro 2023 and to the Web Plugin


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