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PowerPro 2023 Build 4


Power Pro 2023 - Build 4

Build 4 is now available for download. 2023 B4 is an important update providing two new built-in reports, the latest Units of Competency and many fixes.

Enrolment Form Report

This new Report shows the fields as they were entered by the Student on the Enrolment Form. There is an option to include the Student signature (as well as a CEO/Training Manager signature) in the report. This report is only available for Web enrolments:


Confirmed bookings not Invoiced Report

This new Report lists any Confirmed bookings (enrolments) which have not been invoiced:


Latest list of Units of Competency (TGA)

Should you need to import any recently released Units, Build 4 will surely include these. Every PowerPro Build includes the updated list of Units ready to import into your favourite Student Management System.

Vet Student Loans

VSL approved RTOs will notice Build 4 removed the "VSL" tab in Enrolments and Results leaving only the TCSI tab available. We believe removing this legacy dataset tab cleans up the user interface improving the user experience.

List of Fixes in Build 4

- Web Enrolment imports: in some cases the Enrolment file was not marked as "Imported"

- VSL: TCSI files included a BOM (Byte Order Mark) character which is not accepted by the TCSI portal

- Enrolments>Seats left: "Pending" bookings were counted as a seat taken on "Payment Required" courses

- Enrolments>MyFields: Restored the ability to use drop down field editors (for Courses not linked to a Web Form)

- Enrolments>Contact Logs generated from Email actions did not include the time

- Clients: When updating an existing Client the USI duplication was not taking place (only when creating a new Client)

- Short Course Statements of Attainment - Asynchronous uploads resulted in non descriptive filenames should the course name contain special characters

- AVETMISS Validation: error when clicking on the Client number link (if reporting Client Second ID)

- MyOB integration: Client names with an apostrophe caused an error when creating cards

- MyOB integration: issue when listing Companies (MyOB files)

- Course list report error "Field NAME size is too small for data"

- Company Credit entered was not holding when editing the Company record

- Payments List report was not showing the Course Title and Version in the Report Parameters window

- Payment list report error when filtering on a Course

- Invoice exports names were not descriptive (e.g. "Invoice No 1234")

- Trainer Scheduler was not showing seats available when the session event is mouse hovered

- Session Roll was throwing a "type mismatch" error

- (RAPT) Enrolment Transfer: New option to propagate the Unit fees to the new Enrolment

- To-do this week: Contact Person column could not be resized

- Read-only databases did not allow opening Documents attached to the Course

- Removed legacy Application Options>Proxy tab

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