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PowerPro 2021 - Build Release 8

Last official release of 2021

This is the last official release of 2021. The development team is now focusing on the 2022 update, slated for release early 2022.

AVETMISS FILES - Optimisation

Significant performance improvements have been made to the AVETMISS file generation code. RTOs with large datasets will definitely feel the difference as files now generate 4-5x faster.

This is also a healthy reminder that the reporting window for reporting 2021 Training Activity annual fee-for-service AVETMISS data for NCVER will open on 1 January 2022 and close on 28 February 2022.

The NCVER validation portal can be used to validate the 2021 YTD (Year To Date) data. While NCVER it will not allow a final 2021 submission yet, it will carry out data validation allowing the RTO to start sorting out any errors and warnings ahead of time.

The PowerPro support team will be back on the 10th of January 2022 after a Christmas break, refreshed and ready to assist with any reporting issues and all other support.

Web Plugin - Improved behavior for mandatory payment courses

Based on continued feedback, we made changes when importing unpaid enrolments for courses where payment has been deemed mandatory. These enrolments will be skipped and not immediately imported.

They will remain accessible through the "downloaded files" area for review.

The Web Plug-In Guide has been updated to reflect these changes in detail. It is accessible through PowerPro at any time:

 RAPT  FEES - Additional assistance on tracking Course Fees and Caps

Introducing a new field that calculates the total Unit Course Fees for units commenced in the current year. This is to assist the RTO in the tracking and application of the Fee Caps in the Local Skills Lower Fees context.

** It will highlight red if the nominated Fee Cap has been reach for the calendar year.


 Other improvements and fixes

  • If a significant change is made to student details after their USI has already been verified (green flag), the USI status will revert to Not Verified (yellow flag)
  •  Improved 2FA delivery options (SKY only)
  •  Improved Spreadsheet import with better logic for updating mobile and email fields
  • Added the RTO Contact Name and Unit Assessment Method fields to the Class Roll template (rto_contact_name, uam1, uam2, ...)




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