Power Pro 2023 - Build 3 Build 3 is now available for download. 2023 B3 is not a vitamin but it packs important fixes, new functionality and general improvements. PowerPro Workshops 2023 PowerPro workshops are a valuable Professional Development option for users of all levels to sharpen their skills on the Student Management System. These training events are also an opportunity for networking with users from other RTOs and include the presence of a Compliance qualified person. Unfortunately due to a change of circumstances these workshops will not take place in 2023. Tighter Integration with Cloud Assess RTOs using the Cloud Assess LMS will enjoy the convenience of a new ad-hoc Enrol Student function from a simple right-click on the Participant in Enrolments and Results: A verbose view of the interaction between PowerPro and Cloud Assess is provided to the user: Education Agents Providers dealing with Education Agents will notice this improvement: The new Ed...